World Heritage Vinales Valley is an outstanding karst landscape, which traditional methods of agriculture tobacco have survived for several centuries. The village of Vinales was founded in 1875. The village of Vinales, strung out along its main street, has retained its original layout, and there are many interesting examples of colonial architecture. The valley is home to an original culture, a synthesis of contributions from indigenous peoples, Spanish conquerors and black slaves. The valley is surrounded by mountains. The entire plain is devoted to traditional agriculture. The valley's most people are engaged mainly in growing tobacco, a crop which gives the best yields.
Country: Cuba
Continent: North America
Criterion: (IV)
Category: Cultural Site
Date of Inscription: 1999
Vinales Valley Cuba
Vinales Valley is an outstanding karst landscape in which traditional methods of agriculture (notably tobacco-growing) have survived unchanged for several centuries. The region also preserves a rich vernacular tradition in its architecture, crafts and music. The numerous caves scattered on the slopes of the hillocks in the Viñales Valley were inhabited for many centuries before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
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Brief Description
The Viñales valley is encircled by mountains and its landscape is interspersed with dramatic rocky outcrops. Traditional techniques are still in use for agricultural production, particularly of tobacco. The quality of this cultural landscape is enhanced by the vernacular architecture of its farms and villages, where a rich multi-ethnic society survives, illustrating the cultural development of the islands of the Caribbean, and of Cuba.
Historical Description
The numerous caves scattered on the slopes of the hillocks in the Viñales Valley were inhabited for many centuries before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
The fertile soil and favourable climate were conducive to the development of stock-raising and the cultivation of fodder and food crops, using slaves from Africa. The cimarrones, or escaped slaves, often found refuge in the caves of the Valley. The Pan de Azucar site contains the ruins of the biggest hacienda, where slaves were taught different trades.
Following the emergence and considerable expansion of tobacco cultivation, the village of Viñales was founded in 1875, along the road leading from Pinar del Rio, the capital of the province, to Puerto Esperanza, the main outlet to the sea. The Western Railroad (Ferrocarril Del Oeste), of which only a few vestiges are left, was built in 1882.
The Viñales Valley was the scene of several military operations during the War of Independence, and also during the Cuban Revolution. At present, the Valley is devoted to agriculture; its population of some 8000 people are engaged mainly in growing tobacco, a crop which gives the best yields.
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Cuba. The original UNESCO inscription